Conceptual Framework for Integrating Advertising and Advertised Emission
Jun 3, 2023
University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School were commissioned by the Advertising Association, the IPA and ISBA, the founders of Ad Net Zero in the UK, to investigate the models of marketing attribution and carbon accounting to help the industry understand the challenge of allocating responsibilities for the emissions that result from the consumption of advertised goods and services and how to best tackle it at an industry-wide level.
The paper – Ad Net Zero: Conceptual Framework for Integrating Advertising and Advertised Emissions by Prof. Felipe Thomaz – was published in draft form for academic review in January 2023. A presentation on the paper was delivered by Thomaz at Cannes Lions in June 2023.
The industry is now encouraged to review the paper, and presentation, to help inform the next steps to be taken by the advertising industry to help efforts to tackle climate change.
Further presentations are planned. Please contact the Ad Net Zero team if you are interested in attending.
action plan
Ad Net Zero's five-point Action Plan provides our industry with a framework for its transition to net zero.